When you are studying for the car theory test you will need to study and practice 14 car theory test subjects. These subjects range from your attitude towards road users around you to the rules regarding the motorway.
Here we cover the fifth subject (in alphabetic order)
Hazard Awareness – a total of 78 questions found here on the car theory test, Hazard Awareness is a subject on the car theory test that was put together to test learner drivers to see if they understand what a hazard is and how to identify when a hazard is developing.
Below is a common question that you will find on the car theory test.
What should you do if the red lights start flashing as you approach a level crossing?
- Go over it quickly
- Go over it carefully
- Stop before the barrier
- Switch on your hazard warning lights
From our experience, the two most chosen answers here to this theory test car question is ‘go over it carefully’ and/ or ‘stop before the barrier.’
When the red lights flash on a level crossing then that means you should stop as long as its safe to do so but if you are on the train tracks then you should continue to clear the crossing in order to avoid being struck by the passing train. Therefore, the correct answer to this car theory question is ‘stop before the barrier.’ Usually after the red lights appear, the barriers to the level crossing will start to close to not allow any vehicle to pass but unfortunately not all level crossing have barriers which makes them more dangerous than most and you will need to be very aware that you stop well before the train tracks. Also, at most level crossings there is a sound that can be heard when the red lights are flashing in order to ensure drivers are aware of the dangers ahead. If you ‘go over it quickly’ or ‘go over it carefully’ then you run the risk of being hit by a fast-moving train. If you ‘switch on your hazard warning lights’ then you may be mistaken as a broken down car by a vehicle behind that may then try to overtake you which could lead into all sorts of dangers.
Below is another car theory test question that regularly causes confusion amongst many learner drivers:
You’re approaching a crossroads. What should you do if the traffic lights have failed?
- Brake and stop only for large vehicles
- Brake sharply to a stop before looking
- Be prepared to brake sharply to a stop
- Be prepared to stop for any traffic
The 3 most chosen answers for the car theory test question above is ‘brake sharply to a stop before looking’, ‘be prepared to brake sharply to a stop’ and ‘be prepared to stop for any traffic’. Before answering this theory test car question, it is important to understand the dangers that crossroads with failed traffic lights possess. When you approach crossroads with failed traffic lights you are potentially facing traffic coming from 3 angles. Ahead of you, to the left and to the right. Crossroads that have failed traffic lights should be treated as unmarked (no white lines) crossroads where no one has priority, and all road users must approach with caution and be prepared to give way. As your view to the left and right of the crossroads may be restricted, by ‘braking sharply to a stop before looking’ then you run the risk of being rear ended (being hit from behind). Also the same can be said for the other car theory test answer ‘be prepared to brake sharply to a stop’ its not normally a good idea to brake sharply to a stop unless it is an emergency as you do not want to risk being rear ended. The correct answer to this car theory test question is ‘be prepared to stop for any traffic’. As no one has priority at crossroads that have failed traffic lights then it is important to approach slower than normal, making sure you can see clearly, and always be prepared to stop for traffic if you need to. Never assume priority on a crossroads that have failed traffic lights and always approach with caution.