When you are studying for the car theory test you will need to study and practice 14 car theory test subjects. These subjects range from your attitude towards road users around you to the rules regarding the motorway.

Vehicle Handling – a question total of 44 in the car theory test, vehicle handling discusses subjects ranging from stopping distances in the rain to rules regarding box junctions. Let us start with the first car theory test question that many learner drivers are unsure of…

You’re travelling in very heavy rain. How is this likely to affect your overall stopping distance?

  • It will be doubled
  • It will be halved
  • It will be ten times greater
  • It will be no different

It’s clear that two of the answers above are incorrect as they are quite obviously wrong. ‘It will be halved’ and ‘it will be no different’ are both obviously wrong answers as we all know that stopping distances in the rain will take longer than in dry conditions. The two that seem to cause a little confusion is ‘it will be doubled’ and ‘it will be ten times greater’. Generally speaking, stopping distances can be up to ten times greater in really dangerous road conditions like snow and ice and we are aware that rain can feel dangerous whilst you’re driving especially making it harder to see out of the windows but regarding stopping distances it is generally double the distance. So, the correct answer to the car theory test question above is ‘it will be doubled’.

The next question that many people seem to get wrong is the one below regarding box junctions.

When may you wait in a box junction?

  • When you’re stationary in a queue of traffic
  • When approaching a pelican crossing
  • When approaching a zebra crossing
  • When oncoming traffic prevents you turning right

Box junctions or yellow box junctions are normally found at junctions in order to help traffic continue their journey without being blocked. They are more and more common these days especially at traffic light junctions to help ease the build up of traffic. The two answers ‘when approaching a pelican crossing’ and ‘when approaching a zebra crossing’ we know to be incorrect because its rare to find box junctions on the approach to them. Waiting in a box junction ‘when you’re stationary in a queue of traffic’ kind of defeats the object of having a box junction as by doing so you will block vehicles to the side of you. The correct answer to the car theory test question ‘when may you wait in a box junction’ is ‘when oncoming traffic prevents you turning right.’ Box junctions were designed so that vehicles that are turning right can enter them and wait for their opportunity to turn. Vehicles going straight or left are allowed to pass through box junctions but are not allowed to sit in them and wait as this can mean blocking traffic in different directions. So, if you plan to turn right, you can wait in a box junction as long as the entrance to the road that you are turning into is clear and is not blocked. If the entrance to the road that you wish to turn into is blocked then you may find yourself sitting in the box junction longer than expected therefore blocking traffic to the left and right of you when your lights change to red.